


Yesterday was my happy day!! Yay! You know what? I got a GREAT news!!! What is that? Hanny chatted to me and said that one of my layout was selected to be Editor’s Choice of Scrapbookflair! Ow! Ow! Ow! It was an afternoon glory for me!!! Wooohoooo!!!

I never feel a blast off feeling like this before! I mean… okay, I don’t have enough self confidence about my layouts. I always feel, they’re not really perfect yet. And I am really honored to know this perfect news, while in the morning, I used to talk to my one old friend, tell that I want one of my layout got an award or something like that… I mean, I really want one of my layout got chosen by other people… LOL… and there it was…

I couldn’t stop sharing that happy news to anyone! I updated my status in my Facebook account and my plurk too!! And of course, I didn’t forget to send an email to Armina, which the layout that has been chosen by Scrapbookflair’s Editor was using one of Armina Designs’ collaboration kit.

Here is the link to see the award… LOL

And this is my layout that has got Editor’s Choice from Scrapbookflair

kit from Forever by Armina Design collab with Fairytale Studio from Digital Candy US

22 thoughts on “OMG!!!!

  1. Wow! Hepi to hear that!!LO nyang mana tuh pen?? Yg aku jadiin fav aku bukan?? Kl emang bener yg itu, tanpa bnyk komentar : “Apa gue kate’!! Anda layak dpt bintang!!” Hihi.. Congrats’ ya sekali lagi.

  2. ibufebri said: Eehh td ga kliatan LO nya! Skrng kliatan.. Bener kan yg aku suka!! Uhuhu.. Senangnya!!

    iya, yang dijadiin fave ama ibufebri… ma kasih, yaaa…. hehehe….

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